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Det meningsfulla svenskämnet

AbstractThe purpose with this paper is to describe focus in the school subject swedish through a historic perspective. The purpose is also to intestigate how a group of pupils in the last grade in upper (senior) level of compulsory school and teachers with the subject swedish thinks about the subject, what is the most meaningful to pupils in the last grade in upper level of compulsory school.The history of the Swedish school system from the 15 th century till today and the entrance of Swedich as a subject in school has been studied by literature and curriculum. With help from Mr Lars-Göran Malmgrens analysis of different swedish subjects the curriculums analyses to see which subject who appear.Pupils from the last grade in upper level of compulsory school and their teachers in the the subject swedish have answered questions in two different questionnaires regarding what is most meaningful with the subject. The result are to be present in this paper as diagram and also in ordinary text.The conclusion is that the subject swedish has changed from functionalism to formalism and then turned to a more literary education and finally towards functionalism again. The results from the questionnaire papers show that the pupils put most value in learning different skills while the teachers see the importance of both skills and developing the personality..

Ämnet Svenska : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenskämnets kursplaner i Lpo 94 och Lgr 11

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the subject Swedish is being constructed in syllabuses for the subject. The study includes the syllabuses for the subject Swedish from the Swedish curriculums Lgr 11 and Lpo 94. These are investigated in order to show what conceptions of the subject, i.e. the purpose, content and work models of the subject you can spot in these, and in what direction the perception of knowledge has changed. For the analysis Faircloughs critical discourse analysis and three dimensional model is being used.

Ämnesövergripande undervisning i läsförståelse : Mellanstadielärares kompetens och undervisningsstrategier i olika ämnen

In this study, six teachers have been interviewed about their vision and teaching of reading comprehension, both for pupils who has cleared the reading code and those who have not. The aim is to illustrate if teachers in middle school spend time to exercise reading comprehension, or if this is left to the Swedish teachers. Thus only according to the subject Swedish, the students are entitled to be given the opportunity to develop reading strategies.The interviews are semi-structured based on qualitative research. The informants are three teachers of Swedish and three teachers of other subjects. Two different interview guides were used containing three questions.

Tycker de olika? : En kvantitativ undersökning av gymnasieungdomars syn på och attityder till svenskämnet med avseende på programkaraktär

The main purpose of this study has been to survey the pupils? general comprehension of the content and aim of Swedish as a subject in upper secondary school and their attitude towards the subject. Furthermore the study aims at discerning whether there is a distinguishable difference between programmes with vocational and academic character.The study is based on the results of 101 answers from students in an opinion poll handed out at a Western Swedish upper secondary school. Throughout the analysis the results of the two programme groups have been weighed against each other. The result of the survey shows that:? The understanding of the aim and content of Swedish at upper secondary school is acceptable as a whole.

Ämnesordstilldelning ? en praktik i förändring. En jämförelse mellan författares och indexerares ämnesordstilldelning.

The aim of this paper is to compare subject headings by the authors of the work and those administrated by professional indexers. The empirical setting for the study lies within the sociological discipline. The questions asked are:? What overall similarities and differences between subject headings administrated by authors versus indexers can we find?? What qualitative advantages and disadvantages can we establish between subject headings generated by natural language versus controlled vocabularies?Subject headings in the Swedish national library catalogue Libris and in five Swedish universities platforms for academic publishing are studied and compared. Today it is praxis at Swedish universities that administration of subject headings is done by authors and not by professional indexers.

Lära för livet? : Svenskämnet ur ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to explore students? perceptions and experiences of the school-subject Swedish. Ten qualitative interviews with students in school year nine have been carried out and the results of these interviews constitute the basis of this study. The result shows that students have a straight-forward attitude towards Swedish as a school-subject. The students identify skills such as reading, writing and speaking, and work in school mainly concerns perfecting these skills. The students think of Swedish as a subject with a clear purpose and find it important and useful. The result also shows that the students want grading for the purpose of further motivation.

?Hon är inte som ?dem? men inte heller som ?oss?? Konstruktioner av identitetsföreställningar

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding of which images there are about the ?others? in the society. For this study, four women in the ages of 21-23 years old were interviewed during April 2005. The empirical material was analysed with Laclaus and Mouffes discourse analysis. One conclusion is that the images of the ?immigrant? and the ?immigrant women? are created opposite to the ?Swedes? and the ?Swedish women?.

Integrering av Bild och Svenska : Att skapa sammanhang i undervisningen

The purpose of my essay is to see how teachers are working to integrate the two subjects Art and Swedish in their teaching, and to see how this integration is made. What do teachers think about subject-integration? What are the positive effects of it? Are there any difficulties involved? Do the teachers prioritize cooperation with other subjects?To answer my questions I have interviewed eight teachers, four of them in upper secondary school and four in lower secondary school. I have also studied literature about subject-integration and children?s learning, curriculum?s and syllabi in the subjects of Art and Swedish.The results of my study show that the interviewed teachers are positive when it comes to integrating Art and Swedish and other subjects.

Luftläckage I Småhus : Hur de upptäcks och attityderna till dem

Air tightness in new buildings has been discussed for several decades. But the knowledge in the subject is low. With tougher requirements from the Swedish government about energy consumption for a new building required competences how these shall be met. It's not only the thick mess of insulation that are important, it's also the air tightness. This report is about air leakage in Swedish houses.

Ämnesindexering av spelfilm

The aim of this thesis is to examine possibilities concerning subject access to fiction film, i.e. appropriate ways to describe fiction film for subject retrieval. Problems regarding subject indexing in general, and subject indexing of fiction film in particular, are identified, as well as the uniqueness of fiction film and film genres. Four types of subject aspects are discussed: form and genre, fictitious characters, setting, and general topics. Several guidelines, form- and genre lists, and subject headings lists are examined and treated as potential indexing tools.

Litteratur - varför då då? : En studie av skönlitteraturens plats, syfte och innehåll i ämnesplanerna för svenska och svenska som andraspråk 1

This study deals with the new curriculum GY11 in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, the first course at ?Swedish Gymnasium?. The subject is the status and aims of teaching literature and its contents. Eva Hultin?s thesis (2006) Samtalsgenrer i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning.

Utvecklingen av synen på homosexuella och mörkhyade i highschool/collegefilm.

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

En ständigt pågående debatt : Religionsämnet i skolan från 1919 till 2013

The subject of religion in Swedish schools is the single most talked about topic in the curriculum. One explanation could be that it is the oldest subject in Swedish schools and the topic has undergone the biggest change through time. This process of change has been anything but undebated. The subject of religion within schools has met debates through almost its entire history, partly from the state and from the church, but also from the teachers and the students. Debates concerning the existence of Christianity in Swedish schools as well as the Swedish traditions constantly reoccur in today?s government debates and various media but in different versions.

Integrering av svenskämnet och karaktärsämnen på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program. En metod för att anpassa svenskämnet till elevernas programval.

This essay is about integration of theoretical subjects and practical subjects at the vocational training education in a Swedish Upper secondary school. The purpose of the essay was to examine if integration of the subjects increases the students` motivation for, interest in and knowledge of the subject Swedish. Other purposes were to examine how the teachers organize their teaching of Swedish in order to adjust it to the students? interests and to examine the students? attitude towards Swedish as a subject.The essay also describes the recent development of the vocational training education of Swedish Upper secondary school and presents theories about learning and other examinations about teaching of theoretical subjects at the vocational training education.The examination carried through with a questionnaire which was distributed to the students at three programs at the school and interviews with the headmaster and two teachers. The result of the study showed that a small majority of the students believe that integration increases their motivation in and knowledge of Swedish.

De har ingen koll på dem : Ett undervisningsexperiment om de och dem

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

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